Thursday 29 August 2024

Montmourillion and beyond

The rituals are emerging while here in Thiat...

1. Start with a drive to the Boulangerie for the croissant, pan au raisin, pan au chocolate etc.

2. Consume with hot strong coffee

3. Procrastinate on what to do for the day!

Today we chose a trip to Montmorrilion and it was Market Day, so no end of wonderful local produce, artisan crafts and no end of tut!

Then revisited point 2 and 3 above!!

The day proceeded with a bit of shopping to Le Dorat, the bar in the village where Tracey, Dave and I drank beer and put the world right ✅️  

At teatime Margaret hosted a lovely housewarming and a lavish supper...  followed by a name based drinking game!!

All in all, a great day...

Here we are In Margaret's courtyard watching the House Martins at dusk.

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